On The Cusp Of Matrimony

Soon enough my wedding day will be here and I will be pledging my love and commitment to my wonderful man.It is so hard to believe that as of June it will be four years for us then soon after that we will be officially husband and wife.I am so excited to be becoming a Mrs. to such a kind and selfless man.

My life is about to change so much,I am about to be a wife and hopefully about 2 years later I will be a mother!Our relationship is already pretty amazing now and I know our marriage will be great.I am not saying that our marriage will be perfect but we are both equally committed to working on it from day to day.

I am surprisingly confident about my impending marriage since we are both aware that a marriage is something that should never be taken for granted."J" and I have both said that we will do anything to make the marriage work since we have witnessed friends going through divorce.We both know that a marriage can fall apart if it is not nurtured.Hopefully if times should ever get rough we will remember all this.I am sure if we keep the lines of communication open and keep God in our marriage (since he obviously had to be involved in this blessed love of ours) our marriage will be a success!


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